Every cat loves a few delicious treats in between meals! Perfect as a snack for pets: crunchy wellness dry snacks with tasty poultry and no grains.
Making snacks fun for cats: these wellness treats are delicious, and with the added benefits of biotin and vitamins, they can also help to care for your cat’s skin and coat.
When calculating the ideal amount of food for cats, the age, weight and temperament of the pet should always be taken into account.
The following recommended amounts can be used as a general guideline:
Cat milk is a special treat in the everyday lives of cats. They love to lick up the delicious cat snack in next to no time. In addition to their daily food, little treats in the form of crunchy dry snacks also provide a welcome change. Filled milk snacks are a source of great delight and they tick all the boxes with their anti-hairball effect and dental care benefits.